
Our A.C Pellas Sorting Band & Fruit Freezer Department operates in the field of fruit trading, starting from the harvest of the fruits from the field and reaching the final stage of placing products on the market.

Sorting Brand & Fruit Freezer Department spreads in a 4500m² building site comprising the head offices, the packing house, cold store and storage installations, as well as the products delivery area and a parking lot.

We participate in all stages of product handling, untertaking the sorting, packaging and selling the products, with respect to the quality and the specific characteristics of each fruit in order to arrive intact to the consumers.

In our facilities on the area of Kallipoli Pellas, operates our fruit sorting department, where is the reception, quality control and packaging of fruits and controlled atmosphere chambers for proper maintenance during their stay there.

Moreover, we export fruits (especially peaches, cherries, nectarines and kiwi) in major markets such as Russia, Ukraine ,Germany ,Romania ,Servia and other countries.